A lovely friend of mine e-mailed me today with a beautiful quote that put the final stitch in my quilted heart :) She praised and encouraged me for doing my blog and this is the quote..."Our calling is where our deep gladness meets the world's deep needs".
I have finally found my niche' in life! I feel like I'm exactly where God wants me right now! It's so weird that I'm saying that because I am in the middle of one of the worse times! But, God has lifted the veil that kept me from seeing the glistening pools and palm trees in my desert! My mind feels like it's swimming in the clear Bahama waters! Can I say that all the pain was worth it? Yes, because I think of this life as a pregnancy and all the pain will give birth to a precious gift from God if we let Him use that pain. Just as a clay pot or a porcelain dish has to be fired in a kiln at high temperatures to bring out its beauty, so is the same for our hearts.
I find it so profound that what I love to do the most is to write, yet without all my trials I would have nothing to write about or to share concerning the deep needs of the world. Above my desk, on a small piece of paper it reads, "Grace to write", and now next to it is the quote my friend sent to me today :)
I have finally found my niche' in life! I feel like I'm exactly where God wants me right now! It's so weird that I'm saying that because I am in the middle of one of the worse times! But, God has lifted the veil that kept me from seeing the glistening pools and palm trees in my desert! My mind feels like it's swimming in the clear Bahama waters! Can I say that all the pain was worth it? Yes, because I think of this life as a pregnancy and all the pain will give birth to a precious gift from God if we let Him use that pain. Just as a clay pot or a porcelain dish has to be fired in a kiln at high temperatures to bring out its beauty, so is the same for our hearts.
I find it so profound that what I love to do the most is to write, yet without all my trials I would have nothing to write about or to share concerning the deep needs of the world. Above my desk, on a small piece of paper it reads, "Grace to write", and now next to it is the quote my friend sent to me today :)
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