God is Waiting for You
There are no gray areas with God. His Word and his promises are pure truth! Our own guilt and shame cause us to think he loves with a human love but that is NOT TRUE! God’s love is sovereign and unconditional. It is pure and immune to change. If you ever, as a child of God question his love, you are allowing yourself to be deceived. He loves you, period.
The Father sees his children through the blood of his Son Jesus. He never sees our sin. For as high are the heavens above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:11-12). The Father sees only the righteous, holy and pure result of His Son’s sacrifice! He loves us exactly how He loves His Son because He sees us through Him! Jesus is our Savior and Intercessor. We cry out when we are stuck in our sin and Jesus comes with a heart of compassion and love. He never comes to His children with judgment or condemnation! He hears our cries and He takes our need to the Father, interceding for us on our behalf. Our Father in heaven cannot see our sin because Jesus is our filter of unconditional love!
We NEVER have to be afraid to go to Jesus! Fear means punishment. The concept of punishment does not apply to God’s children. That’s not to say He doesn’t discipline or correct us in love so as to teach us and protect us. His intentions toward us are always rooted in love, never fear. Shame is what the enemy uses to keep us from going to our “one true love”, Jesus. Pure love casts out fear (1John 4:18).
If you think of God as this one big Wizard of Oz waiting for you to come to him so he can unleash his insecure reactive wrath upon you because you haven’t talked to him lately then you need to read your bible and cement His truth into your heart regarding His great love for you! He longingly waits to spend time with you. He created you to have a relationship with you! He is a relational God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. It's not one god, it's the three of them all working together! He created us to have a relationship with us. He misses you when you don't spend time with him. Think of Jesus and his closeness with the disciples! He wants that with you.
No matter what you’ve been up to (good or bad) He is waiting for you to come to Him so He can love you and help you. God loves you no matter what! Don’t complicate it with guilt, fear and shame. God loves you no matter what! If other people choose to hurt us because of the “free will” God has given them, then God will be there for us to comfort us and see us through. “The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The Lord protects the simple hearted; when I was in great need He saved me.” Psalm 116:5.
If you ever think He has left you, that couldn’t be further from the truth. If it seems God isn’t there it’s because He wants YOU to pursue Him for a while. Think about how you feel when you have a one way friendship. You are always reaching out to them but they are distant and unresponsive. How deep is your commitment to follow Him? He will never leave you or forsake you, (Hebrews 13:5). He will go ahead of you a bit and call out to you to follow, that’s how your faith grows! It’s like a father that lets go of the bike as you ride on your own. He hasn’t left you; He’s just letting you grow.
If you ever feel doubt about God then run as fast as you can to your bible and read the New Testament! Start with the Gospel of John. His Word reveals the truth, delivers peace, bubbles up joy and casts out doubt and fear! Don’t ever blame God because you feel He has abandoned you. He can't abandon you because that's not in His nature to do so! His nature is to love you and that will never change! He's not your personal genie or someone you should want to avoid, He is your true soul-mate! He is the Sovereign All Mighty Lord and Creator of the Universe and ALL that is in it! It is not in His character or nature to go against His own Word. He loves you and that is that :)
Have you gotten to know the One that created you for the sole purpose of having a relationship with you? He will not shout over your life but if you quiet yourself, you’ll find He’s right there.
James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”.
All of God’s love is there for His beloved children. Have you asked Jesus into your heart as your Savior and Lord of your life? Tell Him you’re sorry for doing things that haven’t pleased Him and simply ask Him to forgive you and invite Him into your heart.
He’s waiting with open arms!
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