My sister told me a story about something that happened to her a few summers ago that has stuck with me and changed me forever. It was a blistering hot day in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California. You couldn't help but say prayers for people working outside as you drove by in your air conditioned car. Asking God to give them even the relief of a breeze from the traffic whizzing by. I remember earlier in the week I was in the passenger seat of my sisters car and as we were stopped at a light, I looked up and there was a telephone repair man up on the pole. It was so hot that you could literally see the heat making the air wavy! I was in the car holding an ice cold soda and as I looked up our eyes caught. I remember sipping from my soda and feeling guilty. Then, we drove off to continue our errands.
I often throw out "drive-by" prayers as I see certain things when I'm out. I'll pray for the workers in the fields, a homeless person, accident victims and even little children that you can tell are dealing with something. It's o.k. to say prayers in passing but my sister Nikki's story changed me and I see things a little differently now. As I said, it was a torrent of heat! My sister's air conditioning broke in her car and she had to get it fixed! Her husband Serge, said that he would take her over to the car dealership and get a loaner while they fixed it. He had called ahead so the wait wouldn't be long since their son Shawn (my nephew) is severely handicapped and moving him is difficult. Serge parked in the back and ran in quick to finalize the arrangements while Nikki and Shawn sat in the car with all the windows open. Shawn was about 25 at the time and he cannot walk or take care of himself so you can imagine that each second in that car seemed like hours! My sister took a paper bag that was in the car and started fanning Shawn and singing to make him laugh. She's an awesome mom to him, so much love and commitment. This all took place in a matter of about 5 minutes but it will show you that it only takes a minute to bless or be blessed!
My sister heard a loud rumble and as she turned to look, a Sparklett's Water truck had pulled up in the alley behind the dealership (is God the coolest or what). A guy jumped out and took a large order inside. Minutes later he appeared at my sister's window with ice cold waters for her and Shawn! He said, "It sure looks like you two could use a refresher!" as he handed them to her. Well, If you knew my sister, then you would know that she was so touched that she was emotionally overwhelmed! The water guy stood there for a few minutes while Nikki wet down Shawn's tee-shirt and gave him sips of cold water. My sister got out of the car and her and this stranger sat on the bumper for a minute just making small talk and laughing. She never forgot that stranger or the act of kindness he showed her and her son.
The other day I was sitting here at the house and the doorbell rang. Standing on my porch was my friend Lisa with an adorable french souffle' dish filled with a peach cobbler! Her smiling face and sunshine yellow hair were enough to make my day brighter but she said with a bubbly inflection, "I'm doing random acts of kindness today!" With a car full of handicapped kids, she was just popping in on people and blessing them! She runs a daycare out of her home for special needs children and she is such a "Martha" in everything she does. Her home is a wonderment to experience, with her vintage style, original art, flourishing gardens with fountains and even a big turtle walking around! This wasn't a one time thing for Lisa either, she is always stopping by with a surprise dinner or dessert and she even brings flowers! One day she brought me orchids and they looked stunning on my high-gloss antique Venetian mirrored entry table! They lasted forever and the joy they bought me reminded me daily of her beautiful, generous and talented heart!
Another time I was at the pharmacy waiting for a prescription. I had an ear infection that seriously took me into delirium because of the pain! I sat on this tiny foot stool in the corner, tears rolling down my face in silent agony. I felt a hand on my shoulder and this woman crouched down and asked if I was alright. She could see that I was in pain and alone. I murmured that I was hurting but waiting for my medicine and she grabbed my hands gently and said a prayer for me. It felt so good to feel loved at that moment and not feel alone! She offered to wait with me and help me out but It was going to be awhile so I just thanked her. She gave me a hug and gently swiped the back of her fingers down my cheek. I'll never forget her.
One of my dearest and most precious memories though, is from my childhood. My mom had suffered a debilitating stroke when I was very young and it affected every aspect of my life! I don't have many memories about that time, but I distinctly remember how I felt and that was alone and abandoned. But one random act of kindness was branded into my heart and mind at a girl scout (actually, I was a brownie) camp. I was at Camp Pixie in upstate New York and I came down with the flu! I was always the sick kid! Well, I was sequestered and put into isolation by the leader. There I was, in this huge cabin away from all the kids and all by myself, sick as a dog! My fever made me feel disconnected and fuzzy in my head and I couldn't have been more than 5-6 years old so I felt very vulnerable and scared. I heard the squeaky screen door of the cabin open and then bang shut, then I heard someone come toward me. It was my friend Laurel's mom and she sat down next to me. I recall how beautiful and motherly she looked in her perfectly pressed peter pan collared gingham blouse, tan Capri pants and white Keds. (I don't really recall what she was wearing but it sounds too perfect not to include :). As I mentioned earlier, my memories aren't crystal clear but my feelings of those memories are vivid! Mrs. Lesio sat next to me and then did the most unforgettable gesture...she put her soft, cool hand on my burning forehead. I will NEVER forget how overwhelmed with gratitude I felt at that moment! (I'm crying right now as I'm writing this). One touch, that I felt a thousand times throughout my life! Every sadness, sickness, depression and hurt that I ever felt, I would call upon that single kindness to comfort me. That one touch was the only mother I had at times. Thank you Mrs. Lesio for putting your love into action.
As I sit here I am reminded of so many times when someone thought of me and took the time to put it into an act of service. My friend Gloria takes so much of her free time to come and pick me up so we can run errands together or just go do something fun. My friend Christy takes the time to email me and encourage me, my sister Nikki comes up to my home when my husbands out of town to keep me company and the list goes on and on! We don't have to be connected by a relationship to reach out and touch someones life. Just like the water guy who saw a need, we can keep our eyes open for opportunities to bless someone. I know it sounds silly but I use my sense of humor when I'm out, to make people laugh. I can't bake so this is what I give. There have been countless times when people have said how much they needed to laugh or they were grateful for the human touch of caring interaction! There's even check-out people that see me coming and yell out my name to welcome me! I peek at peoples name tags then always call them by name when I see them and end our interaction with a hug and a "God bless you!" I make sure I have eye contact when I say to have a great day and I'll even pause and say it so they know someone really saw them.
All of us have gifts from God. I heard a saying once that read, "Love isn't put in our hearts to stay, love isn't love till we give it away." My sister Nancy once told me not to react to peoples demeanor's because you don't know what they're going through in their life. They could have a sick child and they're running late for work or someone they love is suffering from a sickness and their hearts are heavy laden. Maybe they encountered a mean person and they're feeling wounded or embarrassed or their spouse just left them. I was at a conference once and the guest speaker said, "Love people the way you know they could be". Sometimes our kindness changes people and they pass it forward, changing one heart at a time! There are also mean people who may remember your act of kindness when they finally are feeling vulnerable, maybe during a sickness or even on their death bed, and in that moment of softness they will repent for the hurts they've caused.
Even the smallest act of kindness doesn't go unnoticed. You will never know when or how your gift will change another person, so that gives us reason to be a blessing. It's the ripple effect of love and even the tiniest pebble of kindness will be a catalyst to love cascading. In the book of Timothy, chapter 4, verse 14 says, "Neglect not the gift that is in thee". Find your gift! Maybe you're goofy like me or maybe you're a quieter servant but find and appreciate the gift that God put in your soul! Your life is God's gift to you, what you do with it is your gift to God! When we face God at the end our life, assuming you have asked Christ into your heart as your Savior, the only question we will have to answer is, "What did you do with the life I gave you?" Start writing your answers on the tablet of your life right now. Go and love. For me, next time I see a telephone man laboring in the sweltering heat, I'm gonna get out and give him my ice cold soda.
Supporting scriptures:
Matthew 10:42, "If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he certainly will not lose his reward!"
Matthew 25:40, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of My brethren, you did for Me (Jesus)."
James 1:22, Do not merely listen to the Word but be a Doer of the Word and you will be blessed!
I often throw out "drive-by" prayers as I see certain things when I'm out. I'll pray for the workers in the fields, a homeless person, accident victims and even little children that you can tell are dealing with something. It's o.k. to say prayers in passing but my sister Nikki's story changed me and I see things a little differently now. As I said, it was a torrent of heat! My sister's air conditioning broke in her car and she had to get it fixed! Her husband Serge, said that he would take her over to the car dealership and get a loaner while they fixed it. He had called ahead so the wait wouldn't be long since their son Shawn (my nephew) is severely handicapped and moving him is difficult. Serge parked in the back and ran in quick to finalize the arrangements while Nikki and Shawn sat in the car with all the windows open. Shawn was about 25 at the time and he cannot walk or take care of himself so you can imagine that each second in that car seemed like hours! My sister took a paper bag that was in the car and started fanning Shawn and singing to make him laugh. She's an awesome mom to him, so much love and commitment. This all took place in a matter of about 5 minutes but it will show you that it only takes a minute to bless or be blessed!
My sister heard a loud rumble and as she turned to look, a Sparklett's Water truck had pulled up in the alley behind the dealership (is God the coolest or what). A guy jumped out and took a large order inside. Minutes later he appeared at my sister's window with ice cold waters for her and Shawn! He said, "It sure looks like you two could use a refresher!" as he handed them to her. Well, If you knew my sister, then you would know that she was so touched that she was emotionally overwhelmed! The water guy stood there for a few minutes while Nikki wet down Shawn's tee-shirt and gave him sips of cold water. My sister got out of the car and her and this stranger sat on the bumper for a minute just making small talk and laughing. She never forgot that stranger or the act of kindness he showed her and her son.
Lisa's Home
The other day I was sitting here at the house and the doorbell rang. Standing on my porch was my friend Lisa with an adorable french souffle' dish filled with a peach cobbler! Her smiling face and sunshine yellow hair were enough to make my day brighter but she said with a bubbly inflection, "I'm doing random acts of kindness today!" With a car full of handicapped kids, she was just popping in on people and blessing them! She runs a daycare out of her home for special needs children and she is such a "Martha" in everything she does. Her home is a wonderment to experience, with her vintage style, original art, flourishing gardens with fountains and even a big turtle walking around! This wasn't a one time thing for Lisa either, she is always stopping by with a surprise dinner or dessert and she even brings flowers! One day she brought me orchids and they looked stunning on my high-gloss antique Venetian mirrored entry table! They lasted forever and the joy they bought me reminded me daily of her beautiful, generous and talented heart!
Another time I was at the pharmacy waiting for a prescription. I had an ear infection that seriously took me into delirium because of the pain! I sat on this tiny foot stool in the corner, tears rolling down my face in silent agony. I felt a hand on my shoulder and this woman crouched down and asked if I was alright. She could see that I was in pain and alone. I murmured that I was hurting but waiting for my medicine and she grabbed my hands gently and said a prayer for me. It felt so good to feel loved at that moment and not feel alone! She offered to wait with me and help me out but It was going to be awhile so I just thanked her. She gave me a hug and gently swiped the back of her fingers down my cheek. I'll never forget her.
One of my dearest and most precious memories though, is from my childhood. My mom had suffered a debilitating stroke when I was very young and it affected every aspect of my life! I don't have many memories about that time, but I distinctly remember how I felt and that was alone and abandoned. But one random act of kindness was branded into my heart and mind at a girl scout (actually, I was a brownie) camp. I was at Camp Pixie in upstate New York and I came down with the flu! I was always the sick kid! Well, I was sequestered and put into isolation by the leader. There I was, in this huge cabin away from all the kids and all by myself, sick as a dog! My fever made me feel disconnected and fuzzy in my head and I couldn't have been more than 5-6 years old so I felt very vulnerable and scared. I heard the squeaky screen door of the cabin open and then bang shut, then I heard someone come toward me. It was my friend Laurel's mom and she sat down next to me. I recall how beautiful and motherly she looked in her perfectly pressed peter pan collared gingham blouse, tan Capri pants and white Keds. (I don't really recall what she was wearing but it sounds too perfect not to include :). As I mentioned earlier, my memories aren't crystal clear but my feelings of those memories are vivid! Mrs. Lesio sat next to me and then did the most unforgettable gesture...she put her soft, cool hand on my burning forehead. I will NEVER forget how overwhelmed with gratitude I felt at that moment! (I'm crying right now as I'm writing this). One touch, that I felt a thousand times throughout my life! Every sadness, sickness, depression and hurt that I ever felt, I would call upon that single kindness to comfort me. That one touch was the only mother I had at times. Thank you Mrs. Lesio for putting your love into action.
As I sit here I am reminded of so many times when someone thought of me and took the time to put it into an act of service. My friend Gloria takes so much of her free time to come and pick me up so we can run errands together or just go do something fun. My friend Christy takes the time to email me and encourage me, my sister Nikki comes up to my home when my husbands out of town to keep me company and the list goes on and on! We don't have to be connected by a relationship to reach out and touch someones life. Just like the water guy who saw a need, we can keep our eyes open for opportunities to bless someone. I know it sounds silly but I use my sense of humor when I'm out, to make people laugh. I can't bake so this is what I give. There have been countless times when people have said how much they needed to laugh or they were grateful for the human touch of caring interaction! There's even check-out people that see me coming and yell out my name to welcome me! I peek at peoples name tags then always call them by name when I see them and end our interaction with a hug and a "God bless you!" I make sure I have eye contact when I say to have a great day and I'll even pause and say it so they know someone really saw them.
All of us have gifts from God. I heard a saying once that read, "Love isn't put in our hearts to stay, love isn't love till we give it away." My sister Nancy once told me not to react to peoples demeanor's because you don't know what they're going through in their life. They could have a sick child and they're running late for work or someone they love is suffering from a sickness and their hearts are heavy laden. Maybe they encountered a mean person and they're feeling wounded or embarrassed or their spouse just left them. I was at a conference once and the guest speaker said, "Love people the way you know they could be". Sometimes our kindness changes people and they pass it forward, changing one heart at a time! There are also mean people who may remember your act of kindness when they finally are feeling vulnerable, maybe during a sickness or even on their death bed, and in that moment of softness they will repent for the hurts they've caused.
Even the smallest act of kindness doesn't go unnoticed. You will never know when or how your gift will change another person, so that gives us reason to be a blessing. It's the ripple effect of love and even the tiniest pebble of kindness will be a catalyst to love cascading. In the book of Timothy, chapter 4, verse 14 says, "Neglect not the gift that is in thee". Find your gift! Maybe you're goofy like me or maybe you're a quieter servant but find and appreciate the gift that God put in your soul! Your life is God's gift to you, what you do with it is your gift to God! When we face God at the end our life, assuming you have asked Christ into your heart as your Savior, the only question we will have to answer is, "What did you do with the life I gave you?" Start writing your answers on the tablet of your life right now. Go and love. For me, next time I see a telephone man laboring in the sweltering heat, I'm gonna get out and give him my ice cold soda.
Supporting scriptures:
Matthew 10:42, "If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he certainly will not lose his reward!"
Matthew 25:40, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of My brethren, you did for Me (Jesus)."
James 1:22, Do not merely listen to the Word but be a Doer of the Word and you will be blessed!
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