No one likes to need, but when did we become so stubborn, prideful and arrogant that needing became a fear? A need is just an opportunity for God to be glorified and for us and others to grow. Be grateful for your needs and watch for His hand at work in them. |
People don't cry out to be rescued when they feel safe, they beg for help only if they are in a desperate circumstance. Someone strolling down the beach has no need for being saved, but, put that same person fifteen feet out into the ocean with a rip tide and they will be screaming for a savior!
That is why God allows and works intimately in difficult situations in our lives. Hard times drive us to God, it's up to us if we will choose to stay with Him after the danger light goes out. If something challenging or disturbing is happening in your life right now, the Savior Jesus, hears your cries for help. He will not get you over it but through it and He hopes that His love will convince you to stay.
Stop blaming God for trials, for the trials are a gift. He knows our human nature and is not fooled by our empty promises and child-like conniving. When God allows or uses a hard time to get your attention, give it to Him and let Him love you as He works it out, then stick around to get to know Him, that's the whole purpose of the hardship. His love will wrap you up and fill you.....making your heart feel grateful that He rescued you when you were desperate with fear. You will then, hopefully acknowledge that you not only need a Savior but you have a Savior!
God cares not just about your life but about your eternal life too. Every person has a soul and that soul leaves when the body passes on. Souls do not die, they live on. Where do you want your soul to live, in communion with God or separated from Him? Pray therefore, that whoever is lost will wander into a Godly supervised riptide where they will find a frantic need to be saved. Then, continue to pray that while they are in that state of thankfulness after the rescue, that they will fall in love with their Savior and never desire to be out of His presence again.
So often we pray that our loved ones would be saved but the truth is, Christ already saved them, they just don't seem to "need it" at that moment. Pray that they would be put in a position where a deep sense of deliverance would be desired or that the Holy Spirit would convict them about a sin and plant a seed of Godly sorrow in them. Pray that they would turn to God for His gift of salvation and that no weapon formed against them would prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Salvation emerges from a need to be saved, not from someone who is a victim of being made comfortable! Don't look at a trial from your human point of view as a devouring vortex but see it from a heavenly view, as an opportunity for a lost soul to cry out to be saved.
When my father laid on his death bed, speaking his last words, his frail human body had deteriorated to the point where it could not sustain itself anymore. My two sisters and my brother all said our good byes, cried our tears and got our last looks of his blue eyes that still sparkled with life. After he passed, and we all stood around his bed, I remember how awestruck we were that his shell of a body was lying in front of us but, ALL THAT HE WAS, IN HIS MIND, HEART AND SOUL, WAS NOW WITH THE LORD. What kind of impassive heart can imagine that all of life, all of a person, all of the lessons learned and the talents poured out......just disintegrate and blow away by the winds of indifference.
Your life, what you do with it, how you live it, how you share and receive, love and serve, is all a part of your eternal soul. You mean something to God, you're not forgettable, replaceable, common or discardable, you are the crown of His creation and you have a definite purpose on this earth and in the life to come. Remember, it is a historical fact not a fairy tale, that Jesus died upon that cross at Calvary. It's up to you to accept or decline if it was meaningless and void of love or did He go silently as a sacrificial lamb because He loved you?
Matthew 16:15 Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?". Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven."
God says in Isaiah 35:10 that "everlasting joy will crown your head". Those who deny that there is a loving God say, "You live, you die, and that's all there is to it." You must decide what and who you believe, for once your soul departs from your body, the time for choosing is over.
Joshua 24:15 Decide this day whom you shall serve.
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