Each of our voices are a sweet anointing, if they carry the song of God's hope. Dee
There are weary travelers my friends, that need to hear the voices of the faithful in the darkness. Let us not let each other down when we ourselves are feeling down. The faintest whisper in the dark can be all one of us needs to carry on! The road may be dark in this lifetime but if we all remain full of His hope and growing in faith then the sound of our voices will lead each other exactly where God wants us to be. It may not be where we want to be but it will be where we need to be, and we have to find peace with that.
So, as my devotional read for this, the last day of the year, "Let us call out to one another through the darkness until the night becomes alive with the sound of many voices, encouraging God's weary travelers. And may the echos grow into a storm of hallelujahs, that will break in thundering waves around His sapphire throne!'
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