My dear children,
How can I return when even my own children believe that I Am “the tormenter”? These trials that I allow have limits on them BUT they are a gift! Deep inside you is a thorn of unbelief. Whenever tribulations come they press against this lie and cause you extreme pain in your soul. I Am allowing these trials because I love you so much that I cannot leave that thorn in you! Each sickness, each trial is My loving scalpel to heal you, but instead of standing on My Word and using My Name with authority you cringe, shake your fist at Me and curse Me. My precious one, would I be a loving Father if I let that thorn remain in you? Do you not even discipline your own children so they will know that protection and love are one in the same? They may hate you for a while but if their hearts are good they will come to see that you were just teaching lessons of character that will make their life safer and better.
My job is to protect my sheep. Why do you blame Me for the lion that seeks to destroy you? It’s your will that chooses to wander off without Me. You start most of your days without me, run your errands, stress through your evening and often go to sleep without taking notice that I Am longing to spend all my time with you! I Am not mad at you, I just miss you. When you wander toward the lion without the armor I’ve given you, there is NOT ONE TIME, past, present or future that I haven’t or will not come and fiercely protect you! But I must put a righteous fear in you! That is to protect you and to build your character and belief system. Will you not also do this for your children? Or are you going to send them out one day into a dangerous world without any tough lessons to have prepared them?
If trauma in your life makes you curse me then I refuse to leave that thorn in you! I will allow trials because I love you! Trials are to the soul the same as white blood cells are to the body. They push the infection out! It may seem that your body is fighting you but it is actually fighting for you! That is how I designed you. I do not ask you to understand it all but just to trust me .Drink and eat of My Word so the TRUTH OF MY LOVE will become the words you utter when you are weak. Not the lies that the prince of lies whispers in your ear. You are grown in body but inside there is still a child that has yet to believe My Truth that I will never leave you or forsake you! Look around the world. Do you think I pleasure in the suffering of my children? I weep over them every moment. I wait for the Word from My Father when I can rush to the Arch Angel Michael and yell, “Blow the trumpet, it’s time to gather my sheep! It’s time for all suffering to stop and I can feast with my children! We can drink wine and dance! No more pain! No more suffering! All have heard the truth and made their choices! It’s time to bring My sheep home!
Then, one at a time I will invite them to come with me for a private moment. I will show them the bottles in which I saved each of their tears. For the first time though, they will see that mixed with their tears are My own. For every tear you shed my child, remember that I weep with you. When you suffer I Am right there inside you feeling the same pain. I Am NEVER away from you! I Am ALWAYS with you!
NEVER entertain the prince of lies!!!! Would you be righteously angry if a teacher told your children that you secretly despised them on a daily basis without your knowing? Then a day came when your children took it to heart? Would you not, with all your power hope that they would choose to renew their minds! Yes, it is a choice. I cannot force you to believe that I love you but I can hope that you will “choose” to seek Me and My truth! My servant David chose to believe Me! He looked not at the giant but at my giant faithfulness and unfailing love! It was through years of communion with him and many of those years were in the desert! We would Sheppard his flock together and I taught him how to fight lions of lies and bears of unbelief! Your times in the wilderness are not for nothing! Those times of fighting the lions and bears are not a waste! Trust me and know, that the fury in your soul, that your pain triggers, is a character that I must destroy before it destroys you.
So please know my little children that it is the fearful child inside you that these trials are for. You despise me now but trust me that you will praise Me one day for not leaving you the way you were! I want nothing to be able to trigger unbelief in you!!!!! No matter how dark the season of the soul or body you must never believe the prince of lies!!!! In your pain, remember my servant Job. He questioned me, cried to me but never cursed Me. I promised him, “I will yet fill your mouth with laughter and lips with shouts of joy!” (Job 8:21), and I did. I blessed him one hundred-fold! Your trial little one is not forever! You will laugh again, here, in this life! I will restore back to you the years the locust have taken! (Joel 2:25a). So pray! Rebuke the prince of lies in My Name! The name “Jesus the Christ”, and as you become a strong warrior for Me, you will be changed from a target to an arrow!!! Cast despair from your heart in My Name! You may not always understand what I Am doing but you need to know with all your heart that I will never leave you or forsake you! When that warrior spirit rises up from the compost of your trials that is when I will send you back down the mountain with a song in your heart rather than the despair, doubts and fears you came up with!
You will return to the valley a different person. I will call upon you to go and encourage one of my other children to allow you to help them to the trailhead at the base of the mountain... You will try to tell them that all their fears and anger are all an illusion from the prince of lies but neither you nor I can convince them. It is only the mountain of suffering that will change their fear to faith. Do you see now, my precious one? Even I, as God, cannot change a person just because I want to or because I know what’s best. I can only get your attention on the mountain. The pain and suffering caused by the mountains elements causes my little ones to run to me and spend time with me. It’s in that time that they come to see the truth about me and they learn to rest in Me even as the storm hovers above. They will never be the same again! No longer frightened, angry and disillusioned children but instead, they will be warriors and soldiers in My Army! With My armor they will never be taken down again by lies! They will know the truth that believing any lies will weaken not only their faith but their bodies! My child, did you hear that…”The truth will set you free.” If you tell your mind the truth, then your heart and body will follow. It is in the rejoicing that the body heals. For only hope can rejoice!
I love you my precious one,
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