There is a Time for Every Season Under Heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

As the years have gathered my days, I've grown. I have come to a point in my life where I truly enjoy God! I let Him love me and I love Him back! I let Him comfort me and I then go and comfort others. I don't blame God any more but, I see Him in everything! The journey IS life, we will never arrive as long as we walk on this earth so I've learned to see each day, each moment as a chapter in my life's journal whether it be a great day or a dark season, God is in it with me.

I'm also aware that the enemy is always prowling about with one mission in mind, to rob me of my joy and to get me to doubt God. There are times when I lend ear to the whispered lies and I become ensnared. Not for the long lengths of time as when I was younger and thought God was responsible for pain and suffering. I've grown in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I find myself falling much less and for shorter periods of time. That's because I read God's Word each day and I have a personal relationship with Him!

I have struggled with worthlessness because of the things that happened to me in my life. Growing and healing is a process and He is teaching me about many things that I look forward to sharing! This blog is a place for my thoughts to find their voice! I hope you enjoy visiting here just as if you were going to a friends house.

Jesusdeevah is a name I chose because it reminds me that I am set apart, special, precious and treasured by my Father in Heaven! So much that He sent His only beloved Son, Jesus, to suffer and die for me! Then, on the third day He rose from the grave and conquered sin and death so that I could be with Him forever! The lie is that I'm worthless, the truth is that I am worth dying for!

John 3:16,17... For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it but to save it!

*If any of these posts contain knowledge and wisdom that you have already gleaned then please consider sharing them by clicking on the M icon at the bottom of the post and emailing it to someone that may be struggling or hungry for this kind of message. Someone told me once, "It's not always what you're going to get from someone but sometimes it's about what someone may get from you!" Sharing is caring :)

These are my thoughts and stories....Please remember that a Blog goes backwards. The history builds up to the present posts. Check out the archives for background.

Folllow me on Instagram @Jesusdeevah for truth and inspiration or @ugobun to follow my art.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Easing Off

Life is scary. Sure, there are times when joy and freedom take over our lives but deep down we try to muffle our inner voice that says, "It can't stay this good, a trial must be right around the corner, when is the other shoe going to drop!" Inner fear, even not admitted, is always there reminding us that life is not fair and at any moment we can be thrown a curve ball. Unexpected illness, trauma for a loved one, accidents, loss.... How do we live life without the fear of the ensuing gauntlet ahead? God knows what lies ahead, He is fully aware and prepared for what is around the corner. We can decorate our path any way we choose but what lies beyond us is out of our control and that is what scares us. Only trusting our Heavenly Father will give us peace, and that peace is only found in stillness.

Apart from God's Word and resting in His presence, the only option people have is distraction, the busying of the mind and body. Our instinct is to make an alternate plan or divert from the frightening or unknown plan that seems to be unfolding before us. But God calls us to first "be still" and wait (Psalm 37:7). WAIT! Is He crazy? And He calls us to "fear not" (Isaiah 41:13) and "have peace" (Romans 5:1). "What??? God, are you serious? This doesn't sound like a very good plan to me (as I'm sure Moses thought as he stood between his approaching enemies on iron chariots and the raging Red Sea), but God usually has to take us to a point where ALL OPTIONS ARE GONE before we stop saying, "Listen Lord, let me get us out of this, then You can take over after that, okay? If I have to sit still through this, I'll go insane!" That's the first thought I think when times get frightening. My mind immediately begins to think of all the options, then I test each one to see if it's a possibility. Sure, I pray and do all the right Christian things but under the calm appearance of the floating feet are furiously paddling away! It's as if I'm saying to God, "I know You are in control (Roman 8:6 ) and that everything will work out for my good and to your glory (Romans 8:28) BUT, let me offer just a few suggestions that I think will work out better..." I then begin the busyness of mistrust.

It's only human nature and it's alright to react that way. God knows us so well and He will just calmly wait for us to wear ourselves out and finally ask Him to take over. I'm so grateful that I know the Word of God! I admit, my first reactions are usually human responses, before I rest and finally trust God and His plan, but without the knowledge and wisdom of His Holy Word I wouldn't have a better alternative and that scares me more than the fiery trials. Look at the story about the Walls of Jericho (Book of Joshua), God calls upon His people to walk around their enemies tall, protective city walls and sing praises, play music and dance. What??? Seriously, would any of us now a days even consider doing that in front of our peers and enemies? Isn't looking and acting cool in front of our peers what matters most? And, I think the main objective as we stand before our enemies is to look fierce and intimidating, right? But in this bible story God's faithful servants did what He asked them to do and the Walls of Jericho tumbled outward. He gave them victory and all God asked from them was obedience.

The story of Gideon (Book of Judges) is one of my favorites! God finds Gideon in a pit, secretly doing his work in fear, so as to not be exposed to his enemies. The Angel of God says to frightened Gideon, "The Lord is will you, mighty warrior". Mighty warrior? Then, the first thing Gideon does is question the angel, asking him, "If the Lord is with us then why has all this happened to us? "Where are all His wonders that our father's told us about when they said, "Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?" "But now the Lord has abandoned us and put us into the hand of our enemy." I love Gideon's humanness! The Lord then turns to him and says, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of the hands of her enemy." "Am "I" not sending you?" "But Lord", Gideon asked, "How can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest.. and I am the least in my family." The Lord answered, "I will be with you and you will strike down all the Midianites together."

Gideon went on to ask God for signs all along the way and God was faithful to Gideon, bringing success through His human but obedient servant (read Judges, chapters 6,7,8. It'samazing!). The point of the story is Gideon's humanness, God doesn't look at us with disgust because we are vulnerable and weak. But, He does not have any desire to leave us that way either! God searches for obedient souls not self-sufficient ones. He looks for people that will do the job that God has planned for them, not people with their own plans. If I have learned anything, it's that God has invisible plans that we will have no idea about until we see all the truths in heaven revealed. And, every time I feel all righteous and ready, God allows circumstances in my life to bring me back to a humble state of heart and mind before He sends me out to do His work (James 4:6, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble). Gideon had no plan, neither did Moses or anyone for that fact and who ever did, be it Balaam or Saul, God surely changed their plans to His because He knows what is best. God does not reveal the entire plan either, He unfolds it before us so as to build our faith. Romans 5:3b ....but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.

Hope does not disappoint...I love that. Trials...suffering...perseverance...character...hope. How many areas of our lives do we need these traits? And, how many lessons do we need to go through to learn them in every area? That is God's plan for us while we are here on this earth....trials, suffering, perseverance, character and hope. And, in between that work God will give us times of joy and change our hearts of pride or cowardice to hearts that can be still and wait upon His direction. He will use us to His glory and He will use us in the lives of others. Life is meant to be lived one moment at a time because God knows that's all we can handle. So why do we want to grab it all and try to control it? Because we're afraid that God is not bigger than what we are going to have to deal with. BUT HE IS. God is never hard on us like we are on ourselves. His love for us is so far beyond what we could imagine, so we need to learn stillness, so that His love can transform us and our step at a time.

Jeremiah 29:11-14  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then, you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.

Romans 12:12 says, Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

God could get SO MUCH DONE if we just trusted Him completely!

For He has not turned away from the suffering of the one in pain and trouble. He has not hidden His face from him. But He has heard his cry for help. Psalm 22:24

Take courage (Acts 23:11)

God told the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 ...My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness!
Such a beautiful blessing upon us, if only we could rest under it before we wear ourselves out first. Humans hate feeling weak, yet, that is when God uses them! He is the strength in our weakness!

Practice being still and waiting....becoming saturated in God's peace and confidence... and most importantly not moving ahead in our own plan but just learning to take one step at a time when we're told to. Getting ahead of God is not a good place to be.

"Come! Follow Me!", Jesus said.

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