~Matisse's Blue Nude~ If I had to use a picture to explain how I've been feeling, this would be it. Empty, painful and blue. ~Even pain can be expressed through beauty.~ |
In my own small world I believed that it was just me who was slowly deteriorating and all hope of feeling better was abandoned as each day I awoke and felt worse. The doctor put me on prednisone and antibiotics but my symptoms actually got worse and the side effect of the steroid robbed me of sleep to the point where I became so irritable that I couldn't think straight. Inside my head the ringing and sharp pains felt as though poison was being injected in and then dripping down behind my eyes, throat and right through me. All my muscles ached with endless pain and spasms that locked up any flow of healing. Needless to say, I have been miserable!
This morning my friend Tammy called to confirm an appointment that I had to cancel again. She told me that so many people are sick right now and they are all complaining that they can't get rid of this respiratory condition. I wasn't happy that people were sick but I felt a sense of relief that I wasn't alone with this. She then went on to describe how her husband suffers with horrible allergies and has for all his life. As she went on describing his suffering and how his allergies have dominated his entire life, I felt empathy because that's how my life has been. I've been alone in this house with no car and feeling horrible for so long that I forgot how to widen the lens of my heart. Every day, every one deals with some type of pain, sorrow, challenge or fear and we need to share those weaknesses so that Christ can be seen. To quote Plato, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." We may feel like we are all alone with our infirmities but they are in every life, seen or hidden, and they are there to be played out on the stage of our life, for God's glory and eternal purpose!
What we see as random, meaningless or uncalled for, God sees as human stories that can transform or comfort another life. What we consider earthly loss, God sees as eternal gain because He will use our stories to reach beyond our comprehension into lives that reach far beyond our control. God is in the business of working in the BEYOND and by beyond I mean, where we have no control except to trust His love for us. It is there we rarely get to see, but must, through faith believe in His powerful work and the meaning within it! Our life is the stage upon which the Almighty yet humble God of the Universe works! Everyone has been cast perfectly and every step and movement is known before it's made, for God formed us in our mother's womb (psalm 139) and our days are ordained. The only thing God cannot control is our free will and our attitude because He wants us to "choose Him" and except that all He does is done with purpose and love. There is so much in this world that I don't see God in but I have come to trust Him and that His love endures forever. He has an eternal gift that He will give to us after we have come through this life without losing our faith. If He could hang on a cross for me, I then can trust Him with everything.
All this time as I've been sick, I have just laid in bed watching movie after movie mostly because the noise helps with the screeching in my ears. It wasn't until last night that I realized something and so much became clear to me. Our lives are just like Hallmark movies and we are the movie stars in them! It is no mistake what each of us is going through. God has chosen each one of us specifically to play the role we are living and no one else can fill that place. Every movie has a beginning, middle and end, and it contains a plot, a problem and a meaning. Life is not perfect nor will it ever be and any mind-set of ours that believes in that fairy tale needs to be changed. Our weaknesses, flaws, struggles and trials are a part of our life, not secrets to be hidden because of some false shame. Movies are made to be seen so that they can reach into the viewer and move them in the deepest recesses of their being, opening their eyes to new revelations.
This analogy is much easier to imagine if you've been watching movies with meaning. I've come to love the Hallmark Channel because of the human interaction and content in the scripts. If families watched these together it would only improve the dynamics between each other and offer a much broader view point to all involved, making them more able to see things from other people's perspectives. They are stories told in the light of truth, involving God, revealing humanness and in the end showing how the mighty hand of God works all things together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Even through pain and loss you can see the story unfold and witness God's grace in all the lives participating. It's not Polly-Anna, it's real life stories about people and how God got them through the wreckage of their situations without them being destroyed by it.
We watch others and their tribulations from an audience view but when it's our life we tend to see it from inside the picture. By doing this we not only see the movie but we feel it personally and that changes everything! When personal emotions are triggered they usually aren't isolated but they give rise to all the buried emotions of the past. For instance, if a mother was preparing to send her daughter off to college, it may prompt past fears of abandonment when her father left the family when she was a little girl. God is never just dealing with one thing! If we could learn through practice to see our life from a biblical perspective then everything would change for the better. We would start to see all of life's happenings from an eternal view rather than a worldly view...we could see our life as a personal script written by the Holy hand of God. Hallmark movies don't always have happy endings but they do always end with deep meaning and profound revelation as to how our loving Father is intimately involved in our joy and our pain.
If we go through life expecting happy perfection rather than profound, meaningful journeys then we will be disappointed. Our purpose here is to grow from grace, not to get everything we want and live the perfect story book life. Suffering is a part of life and without it we would have no concept of joy. The painting of our life story would not have depth or tone and it is in those recesses where hearts are moved and touched. We have all been given the perfect role, and that is our life. Are we going to be spoiled, argumentative actors who only see how uncomfortable and miserable the scenes are making us and never realize the big picture OR a humble participant in an ensemble of privileged persons who have been blessed with the opportunity to bring one of God's stories to life? You may have been chosen to perform in your life story before a massive audience with much influence, whereas, others may feel as if God is the only one watching, yet, they live the play that has been written for them, knowing that they will never know how or who their story touched. Whether we see meaning in our suffering or not...our circumstances are pregnant with God's fruit and it will blossom and ripen with absolute promise and meaning!
Your life IS a Hallmark Movie and no matter what the storm we must trust the heart of the Writer that the story is written with purpose and deep love. Our lives have a beginning, a middle and an end...that's a fact no matter how many or how few acts your play has. How we came to be...what happens during our life, how it ends and at what age, are all a part of the story and plot which includes problems, joys and ultimately deep purpose and meaning that will bring change to the hearts that God has chosen. All of life is not random nor is it meaningless, your precious life has been written to perfection and it is God's desire that we would take the script, fully knowing that it may be overwhelming to play, yet choose it because we know that He will ultimately work all things together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
In this life, our desires should not be things that moth and rust destroy but our treasures should be in heaven (Matthew 6:19). My mom died when I was thirteen and I blamed God for that excruciating pain most of my life, but no more. I see it now, as with the rest of my life as the script God wrote for me and only me, I lovingly and peacefully accept it because I trust Him now more than my feelings or instincts. That trust did not come easily but through tough times of solitude, pain and even feelings of abandonment. I had a choice to make though, was I going to doubt and resent God or trust and believe Him. Whatever it is that you have lost or are losing now, God's amazing grace has found it and He is keeping it for you. One day soon we will all be together and we will forget the pain of life just as a mother forgets child birth, and we will all be rewarded for our believing Him. He will wipe away every tear, wash away every fear, then turn our faces toward the stage of an eternal play of light, joy and life that will never end. Hold steady dear ones, for our redemption draws near (Luke 21:28).
Scriptures about Christ's return: Luke Chapter 21, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 5:1-11, Isaiah chapters 40, 41..., For a powerful read about God and His power beyond ours... read Job chapters 38-42, Psalm 103 will tell you about His compassion and love for us.