As I share the Lord, people often say to me that it’s hard to believe in a God that lets so many bad things happen. My answer to this is biblical and it is that if you live your life separated from life‘s handbook which is the Bible you will not see God in everything. He’s not some big God up in the sky and you’re some little peon down here on earth. He is a triune God which is made up of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. By his nature he is a God that is relational. He created human beings so that he could have a relationship with us. Each and everyone of us. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden and did the one thing that God asked them not to do (Genesis 3), that changed the beautiful plan that God had for his creation. He used to walk in the garden and spend time with Adam and Eve, but, after they rebelled against his will a new plan was put into place. It was a new story that had to be told of a lost people who needed a Savior. We are made up of body, mind, emotions and spirit, not to mention family, community, local, state, national and world affairs… so to think that you can run the show of life on your own and save yourself and the world is a delusion. There is a God, he created us, and to be with him forever we cannot earn it on our own merits. God does not let sin into heaven and he cannot be in the presence of it. The sweet story is, that if we ask Christ into our heart as our savior and ask him to be the Lord of our life we can then stand before our Father in heaven when we die! He will not see our sin but he will see us through the filter and the blood of Jesus Christ his son (John 3:16). It’s a very simple story with a rough road getting to the end but he promises never to leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8).
The one thing you’ll notice in life is if you look at the big story you will not see God. However, if you look into the personal lives of the people going through trials and tribulations, you will hear stories that are so magnificent and miraculous because that’s where God works. Yes, the world is a mess and It’s because of greed, pride, unforgiveness … Which are sins! Our sins! God sent his son because we cannot save ourselves. Christ died at Calvary for you. Christ took the beatings, the slaps in the face, the spitting and cursing and ultimately the horrible death on the cross for you. He was separated from his Father because he bore our sins upon himself! He did what we can’t and that’s why we need a Savior. The only way to the Father is through the son (John 14:6) Christ is the way, the truth and the life. He never promised an easy life! Don’t expect life to be smooth. Who ever promised you that???? He promised to be with us through the fires, floods, traumas, losses…. (Isaiah 43:2), to comfort us, teach us, prepare us, strengthen us… so that we can take that message of his unfailing love to the lost. James 4:8 and Jeremiah 29:12 each tell us that if we draw near to God that he will draw near to us. If you have the courage to seek him, you WILL find him. This life is not about us being comfortable. It simply is about getting all that you need from God and then going and serving others. I pray you seek him and your life becomes one of gratitude rather than one of complaining. God is real so get real with him.
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