Ahead A poem by Dee Hartmann
The darkness is lifting, the shadows are shifting;
I know there's light ahead.
My thoughts are rising, my soul feels surprising;
I know there's hope ahead.
The clouds will part, joyous songs will start.
Breath is here but life is there;
I know there's freedom ahead.
A calm will settle the storm, the sun will feel warm,
I know there's safety ahead.
My sad corner of fears, the burning of my tears, a crushed spirit for years,
I know there's joy ahead.
The clouds make us cherish the sun, the darkness to rejoice in the light;
A burning day welcomes the cool summer's night.
Tears give perspective to smiles, joy the sweet reminder of pain's past,
rush to rest allows us repose, and darkness of death, that earthy life doesn't last.
Whether sunrise or sunset lies ahead, a new spring or the falling of leaves,
it may be the clouds storming or a new life forming,
All are God's seeds.................Look ahead.
The darkness is lifting, the shadows are shifting;
I know there's light ahead.
My thoughts are rising, my soul feels surprising;
I know there's hope ahead.
The clouds will part, joyous songs will start.
Breath is here but life is there;
I know there's freedom ahead.
A calm will settle the storm, the sun will feel warm,
I know there's safety ahead.
My sad corner of fears, the burning of my tears, a crushed spirit for years,
I know there's joy ahead.
The clouds make us cherish the sun, the darkness to rejoice in the light;
A burning day welcomes the cool summer's night.
Tears give perspective to smiles, joy the sweet reminder of pain's past,
rush to rest allows us repose, and darkness of death, that earthy life doesn't last.
Whether sunrise or sunset lies ahead, a new spring or the falling of leaves,
it may be the clouds storming or a new life forming,
All are God's seeds.................Look ahead.
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