Surrender, repentance and obedience. That's why my life never changed. I lived a life that secretly held on to habits. I didn't want to repent because that meant that I had to give up those habits. The result of that mindset meant that I was not being obedient to God. I would often cry out to him and ask him why he wasn't healing me and why my life and my health were so bad. I'm embarrassed to say that it took me years and years to really make that simple choice to jump off the fence and give all of me to God.
The Lord used me in mighty ways in other people's lives and it was exciting and wonderful to see him work through me. That's what's so amazing about him. He uses however much we will give him and then he will wait patiently for us to give him the rest. Even if it takes years.
I didn't realize how beautiful a full blessing would be. As I have mentioned in other posts I have just recently had an Awakening. I surrendered all to God and ever since I did I am overflowing with hope, energy, Joy, wisdom and praise! God will never leave us. He will wait patiently while we try to do it our own way. He'll be with us as we struggle and cry and do most things the hard way. However, the moment we decide to give it all to him and surrender our control, there is a flood of joy and peace that rushes in immediately.
I encourage you today to get off the fence. I can tell you the truth about surrendering, it brings freedom. Satan wants to keep you on that fence because he owns it. You will vacillate in your mind and be tossed around by the waves of your emotions. You will be ineffective and unwell as long as you sit there. But I promise you that if you jump on God's side you will be astounded at the freedom and joy.
By no strength of my own did all these wonderful new things happen to me. All I did was ask God with a willing heart to change me and he did. Every day new things are being revealed to me and we're working on things together. I love that about him. His patience and unconditional love cannot be matched. Once you crawl under his wing and understand how much he loves you and wants you to grow in him, there's no going back.
Lord, whoever is reading this right now I pray that you would give them courage. I pray that you would free their mind and clean their heart through your Holy Spirit so that their life can begin to reflect their relationship with you. As they surrender and your beautiful fruit starts to grow in their life I pray that you would be glorified and you would use them to tell others about the goodness of God. Amen
Galatians 5:1
- "For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery".