As he opened it up, sealed inside were deep resentments. Strongholds that were robbing me of my freedom in Christ! I immediately asked him to clean me out. All morning he spoke to me through scripture and through my journaling. In short, he revealed to me that I needed to forgive some people, I needed to pray for them that God would bless them with spiritual Awakening.
I prayed that he would give them freedom from the strongholds that they were suffering from. Next, I had to repent as I listed all those feelings. I had to pray for myself that I would have freedom from that self-bondage. I asked that I would be robust with the Fruit of the Spirit and that the Lord would continue to heal me of my bruises that could be triggered to make me act ungodly. I asked him to give me his Spirit of love and peace.
Don't be afraid to open yourself up to Jesus. He doesn't judge you or condemn you, he simply loves you and wants you to be free. Find the courage to ask him to do an extensive archaeological dig into your heart, mind, soul and spirit. Then, trust him to excavate the contaminants out of you and to create a rich fertile soil for his fruit to grow in your life.
1st Timothy chapter 2, "He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them, intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them."
Ephesians 4: 31-32, "get rid of all bitterness, anger and slander... Be kind, compassionate and forgiving.
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