Psalm 8:4, “What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet, you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.”
We are the crown of his creation, even the angels live in wonder of why God loves us so much. Yet, each day we leave our crown behind because balancing it on our head just makes our errands, chores, duties... more cumbersome. We can get much more done without having to balance that signal of our position, that sign of who we represent, on our frantic head.
When we run on our own steam there is a posture of self sufficiency that emanates from us. Our speech projects a spirit of self accomplishment and self strength. God however, wants others to see Him in us. His poise, grace, humility, love, trust, patience, mercy... When others see us serving him by taking time to notice them - it’s then that he receives all the glory. That is what it is all about, His plan not our list.
Taking the time each morning to place that royal crown upon our head is an act of surrender and worship. We are saying to God that we want his plan and purpose for the day. We want people to see him in us. We want him to receive the glory for his kindness through us not empty accolades for how much we can wear ourselves out or how well we handle pressure. Wearing the crown each day ensures we are focused on Him. Balancing it, straightening it, protecting it as we go through our day with the posture of being the Kings child.
We serve a King who serves his people. He is majestic yet humble, wise yet understanding, kind yet protecting, loving yet sovereign. That crown that we find too weighty and inconvenient to place on our heads each day is actually the thing that keeps us upright, prioritized, walking with a posture that glorifies the King. It keeps our body balanced, strengthens us and is a constant reminder that we may be royal but we have been saved. Saved by grace and the purpose of that crown is to walk in grace each day glorifying the grace giver- Jesus Christ.
Our crown says to everyone that sees us that we are in a position to bring to them any resource that may be needed. Our Father provides all and through our prayers with them they will have been placed in the presence of the Great-giver. Our crown brings comfort, reassurance and peace where there is none. It is a beacon of hope where all Hope seems to have been lost. Our crown is a symbol of provision that the King sees their need and HE WILL ensure provisions. Our crown is a statuesque beacon that love is there. It has not been defeated, crushed or destroyed but it is erect and shining with a blinding light into the hearts of his people who are feeling fearful and the hearts of the lost. Our crown says to the world that God has not left you or forsaken you because LOOK, here are his sons and daughters and you can be assured that he would never leave them behind. They are a Royal Army that has been given orders to help, relieve, heal, feed, comfort... It tells the wounded and needy that they are not alone.
This world is going to get crazier in hyper-speed but just as worldly things do fall apart, our Father does not. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is a rock on which you can stand as the storm rages around you. Give your heart to him today. Ask him to come and reside within you and become Lord of your life. Confess and repent of your sins and watch him make you white as snow. The world needs hope, faith and charity right now more than ever, so take up your crown and go be a soldier in his Royal Army.
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