Frosting is what we put on over our imperfections. It's the covering that we veil ourselves with at church or in front of strangers. Frosting keeps us from using vulgar language in front of our Pastors, makes us not yell at our kids in public while maintaining a restrained composure till we get them out in the car. Frosting is the self-discipline that we use around others but not when we're alone with our family. We not only frost ourselves but we slather it over our kids and spouse too! It's so pretty and polite, so reserved and perfect, and it makes for a great picture! The frosting is who we wish we could be. I saw a quote once that read, "Character is who you are when no one but God is watching." That is so true!
I have this alter ego that I sometimes mentally retreat to. Her name is Barbara and she is the daughter of a wealthy and sophisticated couple who own a horse ranch in Santa Barbara. If you've ever seen the classic movie, "Victory over the Darkness" with Bette Davis, she played a perfect "Barbara"! This fantasy of having "The perfect life" often comforts me and gives me an escape from everyday matters. I assure you I'm not a schizophrenic but just a woman who takes a mental bubble bath in her mind occasionally to stay sane and content :) We all have some sort of frosting that we hide our behavior or fears under and I think it's quite human (as long as it isn't evil). Fear of being exposed is a terrifying feeling that holds people in a prison of false perfection. We think, "What would "they" think of me if "they" knew what I was really like!" Well, "they" are no different! All that matters is how we deal with our issues before "God". There will never be a perfect "you" or "them" but we are all called to enter into God's presence daily, spending time with Him so that we will begin to take on "His" character.
Being accountable, humble, obedient and having a teachable heart are the things God needs for Him to influence and change us. Our open heart and His presence make for a perfect recipe! God doesn't want us to be a bitter cake hidden by fake frosting. He wants us to be pure and sweet inside because He knows that that honesty will be what will best represent Him to others who need freedom from their fears. And, if we are true to ourselves we will have peaceful hearts dwelling inside of us. Whether we frost ourselves for public opinion or we frost our realities to better cope with life, we should all begin to start desiring pure ingredients in our character first, and then our frosting can be worn like a robe of Christ's righteousness rather than a shroud of guilt and shame. Imagine the freedom in our minds and spirits if we actual liked who we were.......when no one but ourselves was looking.
1 Thessalonians 2:4b......we are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. We never used flattery or put on masks to cover up our hearts.....God is our witness. We are not looking for praise from men.
Ephesians 4:22 We were taught, with regard to our former way of life, to put off our old self, which is being corrupted by deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of our minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Peace from not Pretending. Honesty begets honesty. Relax in who He's making you. There's a difference between manners and falsehood.
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