All of the events in life are tied together by a divine thread. God personally places each moment carefully next to each other to form a perfectly flawless existence filled with joys, challenges, triumphs and failures. Perfect is not what we have made it to be, perfect to God is when we face the gauntlets of life with faith in Him and come out the other side with hope to share with others. I know that some events in life seem to be without purpose and their sting feels cruel and insensitive but from one who knows many sorrows, I can now see that not one thing is without purpose. Many times it takes the gracious gift of time itself to heal us to the point where we can see God and accept the unseen reality that He has a higher purpose for our pain. Have you ever watched a movie that didn't have an obstacle and a triumph? No greater purpose can be had without challenge. Some people get their triumph while still on this earth while others will receive their victory in heaven. Dear ones.....nothing in your life is out of control, there is a loving God that goes before you. Whatever you have, are or are going to go through.......God goes through it with you. He feels everything you feel and you can lean on Him and trust Him to get you through.
I was looking outside the other day while we were having a Santa Ana wind condition that was really ripping through the south-land. It's an east wind that gets pretty violent and I've spent most of my adult life cursing it, but this time I saw it differently. With one big burst of wind I saw the last remaining leaves on my plum tree detach from their branches and blow past the window. In that moment God revealed a truth to me......Everything has a purpose. The Holy Spirit began to fill my mind with several visions and my spiritual eyes were opened to a beautiful truth.......Nothing is a mistake.
As the human race has become so comfortable in "our" way of doing things, we forget that God directs nature to continue its course of blessing the earth! In ancient times people would settle in the valleys for the late spring, summer, fall and winter but they knew to move up into the hills during early spring because the melting glaciers would flood the valley with it's nutrient and mineral rich glacial milk and soak the ground! They knew that nature would bring them a blessing and
they made way for it. Unlike modern times where we build elaborate homes on hills that are known to have wild fires from dry bushes and lightning storms or in the pathways of running streams that come down mountainsides only with good intentions built into their nature to go and prepare for summer. Floods, winds, earthquakes.....are all apart of God's natural system here on earth. There are times of saturation (floods), lightning strikes or insect ridden trees that fall and become rich compost for the next generation, earthquakes to release the inner tension of mother earth's core and under ground plates of rock and storms to cleanse. The rain allows the soil to be ready for the honey bee and humming birds to pollinate and for the crows and sparrows to scatter their digested seeds. Winter's snow makes for rich waters that soak the earth in preparation for the planted seeds that are to come and for what lies in the ground to reach up and out. The summer sun then watches over the bounty warming it, and the morning dew, noontime heat, terrarium type humidity and nighttime absorption all work together to create and bring forth life and blessings. Autumn then brings the the winds to exfoliate the once green remains and sends them to the ground to rejoin the cycle.
So is life.....regenerating, warming, nurturing, ravaging, scorching, bringing down to basic elements and lifted up to elation and rejoicing. We experience new life as a baby enters the world like spring and then death as someone must leave as in autumn, objects and moments that we celebrate and enjoy in our homes then only memories if those homes are destroyed by fire, earthquake, winds or flood, buried like winter. Then, strength and weakness, love and hurt, triumph and tragedy as the summer season brings not only newness and beauty but also it's natural unexpected courses of destruction. Pestilence and drought rip through the easiness and seem so unfair but we must remember that there is a season for everything under heaven and a time for every purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1-14). Your loss will bring strength, compassion and a new direction if you will grieve your loss, allow God to heal your thoughts and heart and let time unfold you back into life. Leave the anger, resentment, bitterness......for those who choose to carry a heavy load. (Philipians 3:13b- 14) says, "Go on, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Life is about allowing the past to move you ahead, yet so many of us stagger onward with the heavy load of the past upon our backs, crippling us emotionally, mentally, spiritually and finally physically. I have found that I had a strong spirit of self-pity behind most of my stunted growth. Someday's I still struggle with it but I make myself call a friend who will get me back on track and each time I hold myself accountable, I am yet stronger for the next round. Friends, I pray that we will all begin to see
the beautiful insight of the seasons and how they reflect the times of our lives. God will send rains to cleanse and nourish, heat to warm and generate life, winds to exfoliate and snows to cover sleeping seeds only to melt away so it can drench the valleys, preparing them for a new yet familiar cycle. God is present and has a purpose for all things whether fair or foul. We must take our minds and hearts back to why the elements happen and let that truth resound in us so that we can weather life's seasons without the lense of modern, lazy living fogging the truth.
Each of us has a purpose and whether it appears big or small in this life's standards, in heaven's standards it is monumental because each of our lives touches another life and in that interaction is where the spark of God's divine plan sews us together! Live your seasons with purpose for when the story is read to us by Christ himself in heaven......all will make sense. So, although sense may have to wait for heaven, it is our faith that must drive us through with purpose and hope. Faith CAN cover pain, hope CAN cover sorrow....only if we
choose to let it.
It was only a few weeks ago when I hit a bottom that scared me to the core. I chose to reach out to my brother and sisters and their support and prayers lifted me from the pit and set my feet upon the Rock again. If you don't have family or dear friends then I encourage you to find a bible teaching church and get connected. If you reach out, God will lead you to fellowship and He will bring you good friends. We can't do this life alone, we weren't meant to. So choose your path wisely and with the assurance that God knows what you're going through and what you need. He is all we need to complete this journey. Begin to see your life in seasons and see the same purposes that are built into nature. Read these words from Ecclesiastes 3:1-14.........
There is a time for everything, and a season for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build up,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them together,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate (righteous anger),
a time for war and a time for peace.
Every time I read these words I cry. Verses 9-14...I'll leave for you to read.
See God in every season and know that this too shall pass, leaving you ready for what is to come. All that life brings has purpose.