Soul: The spiritual home created by God, to house our unique talents, gifts, personality, emotions and convictions. The place from where, who we are, flows out into the world. It can be inhabited by good if we invite Christ to reside there or if left unsealed by the Holy Spirit it can house any spirit or spirits. It is an eternal entity so it will live on forever somewhere and God hopes and desires that each soul will choose to be with Him. The soul will be a blessing or a curse while living on this earth and it will also be blessed or cursed in eternity depending on who it trusted and believed. The soul can be a place of beauty where God's love passes through to other lives, or, for those that reject God it will be a place of pride, fear and self ...... a lonely place. There is a war for each soul and the first battle begins in the mind ........ so that is the first place that a stand must be taken. Each person must ask themselves, "Who will I serve this day?" Then, you will know the purpose and destiny of your soul.
Why do we treat our souls as if they mean nothing or that caring for them is an option? We maintain so many parts of our lives......we brush our teeth, bath our bodies, clean our valuables, wash our car, feed our body, feed our pets, clean our windows and mirrors, balance our check book, check our statements and financial records, service our cars engine, refill our wiper fluid, put more staples in the stapler, change the ink cartridges in our printer, defrag our computer and run updates, put fuel and oil in our car, fix and maintain household items, we go to the doctor, hydrate our body, check for lumps or marks, we even add vitamins, supplements and exercise........How very careful we are to maintain our bodies and belongings, but to feed, hydrate and give rest and care to ones own soul, seems to be something that is optional and not a necessity. Our spirit and soul will live forever unlike our body or things, so doesn't it make even more sense to treat it with value and care? We are the only ones that can hear the weakened cries of our soul for spiritual food, water, light and love. Only we can set the priority or make the time for our soul to be cared for.
Are you maintaining and feeding it with the Word of God (reading your bible), fellowship (going to church or a small group), prayer (precious and needed time alone with God), rest (quiet time in His presence so you can be renewed)? Maybe your soul is like an old toy that has gotten buried in the back of the closet (neglected)? Or, it's a plant that you keep on your counter but only water it after you notice it is hanging over the edge from neglect (starved)? Is your soul something you have handed the rights to it over to someone else because you have determined that they are of more value than you (discounted)? Your soul can be full of God's light and love, it can be filled with temporary darkness and hopelessness or it can be a permanent residence for evil. God's desire for your soul is that it will be the special and sacred meeting place for just Him and you and that your invitation requesting His presence will make it a holy place. A place where we are known and loved in a way that we could not experience anywhere else! He wants it to be a special, priceless, colorful, beautiful, empathetic, sympathetic, giving place within us, that is capable of weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with those who rejoice! A place filled with God's light and love, where we talk to Him, listen to Him, rest with Him, and are inspired by Him! Your soul is a spiritual entity that is capable of giving love only because God has given love to it! Your soul should be cared for so that it is robust, healthy and vibrant, allowing everything special about it to shine and reflect with God's goodness!
Can a lamp shine without being plugged in? Can a motor run without fuel? Can a person live without food? Why then do you think that you can be a force for God if you don't connect to Him? Your soul is the main -line to your relationship with Him, it is the eternal blessing planted in your life that connects you with your Creator for eternity! Your soul, is the place from where all goodness or evil will flow depending on your choices. This life is not about how much we can acquire materialistically but about how much we can give of ourselves and of the riches God has given to us. Your soul is a storehouse for the unique gifts that only you have been given and a place from where you will share them! Acquiring is temporal but giving is eternal, and that is what God will be looking for when we stand before Him one day and He asks, "What did you do with the life I gave you?" Your soul is the integral channel for doing everlasting things, it has two doors, one for gifts to enter and one for gifts to flow out. Caring for your soul means you understand how precious you are in God's sight and that He created you with purpose. How fearfully and wonderfully made you are (Psalm 139:14)! No matter what you have done to your soul, even if you or someone else has buried it alive, it can always be revived because it is eternal! Your soul cannot be killed only weakened, therefore, God will restore it upon your request. It is never to late for it to be taken up into loving arms and cared for until it can be strong and wonderful again! But, it is only the souls owner who can present it each day before the source of all healing and restoration!
If your soul is overgrown with weeds and has been unattended for a while or maybe never tended to, then, invite the Master Gardener in and His love will be the rich soil from which your talents and thoughts will sprout! Let all the fruits of the Spirit grow in you and flow through you into the lives of others, for it is only a full and healthy soul that feels peace and one that spills over from abundance that blesses others! Be blessed, then be a blessing!
Why do we treat our souls as if they mean nothing or that caring for them is an option? We maintain so many parts of our lives......we brush our teeth, bath our bodies, clean our valuables, wash our car, feed our body, feed our pets, clean our windows and mirrors, balance our check book, check our statements and financial records, service our cars engine, refill our wiper fluid, put more staples in the stapler, change the ink cartridges in our printer, defrag our computer and run updates, put fuel and oil in our car, fix and maintain household items, we go to the doctor, hydrate our body, check for lumps or marks, we even add vitamins, supplements and exercise........How very careful we are to maintain our bodies and belongings, but to feed, hydrate and give rest and care to ones own soul, seems to be something that is optional and not a necessity. Our spirit and soul will live forever unlike our body or things, so doesn't it make even more sense to treat it with value and care? We are the only ones that can hear the weakened cries of our soul for spiritual food, water, light and love. Only we can set the priority or make the time for our soul to be cared for.
Are you maintaining and feeding it with the Word of God (reading your bible), fellowship (going to church or a small group), prayer (precious and needed time alone with God), rest (quiet time in His presence so you can be renewed)? Maybe your soul is like an old toy that has gotten buried in the back of the closet (neglected)? Or, it's a plant that you keep on your counter but only water it after you notice it is hanging over the edge from neglect (starved)? Is your soul something you have handed the rights to it over to someone else because you have determined that they are of more value than you (discounted)? Your soul can be full of God's light and love, it can be filled with temporary darkness and hopelessness or it can be a permanent residence for evil. God's desire for your soul is that it will be the special and sacred meeting place for just Him and you and that your invitation requesting His presence will make it a holy place. A place where we are known and loved in a way that we could not experience anywhere else! He wants it to be a special, priceless, colorful, beautiful, empathetic, sympathetic, giving place within us, that is capable of weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with those who rejoice! A place filled with God's light and love, where we talk to Him, listen to Him, rest with Him, and are inspired by Him! Your soul is a spiritual entity that is capable of giving love only because God has given love to it! Your soul should be cared for so that it is robust, healthy and vibrant, allowing everything special about it to shine and reflect with God's goodness!
Can a lamp shine without being plugged in? Can a motor run without fuel? Can a person live without food? Why then do you think that you can be a force for God if you don't connect to Him? Your soul is the main -line to your relationship with Him, it is the eternal blessing planted in your life that connects you with your Creator for eternity! Your soul, is the place from where all goodness or evil will flow depending on your choices. This life is not about how much we can acquire materialistically but about how much we can give of ourselves and of the riches God has given to us. Your soul is a storehouse for the unique gifts that only you have been given and a place from where you will share them! Acquiring is temporal but giving is eternal, and that is what God will be looking for when we stand before Him one day and He asks, "What did you do with the life I gave you?" Your soul is the integral channel for doing everlasting things, it has two doors, one for gifts to enter and one for gifts to flow out. Caring for your soul means you understand how precious you are in God's sight and that He created you with purpose. How fearfully and wonderfully made you are (Psalm 139:14)! No matter what you have done to your soul, even if you or someone else has buried it alive, it can always be revived because it is eternal! Your soul cannot be killed only weakened, therefore, God will restore it upon your request. It is never to late for it to be taken up into loving arms and cared for until it can be strong and wonderful again! But, it is only the souls owner who can present it each day before the source of all healing and restoration!
If your soul is overgrown with weeds and has been unattended for a while or maybe never tended to, then, invite the Master Gardener in and His love will be the rich soil from which your talents and thoughts will sprout! Let all the fruits of the Spirit grow in you and flow through you into the lives of others, for it is only a full and healthy soul that feels peace and one that spills over from abundance that blesses others! Be blessed, then be a blessing!
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