Where My Soul Breathes
by Dee Hartmann (For Penny and Abe)
My soul is alive and here,
wrapped in it all that is dear.
Much to lose, more to embrace,
It seeks a peaceful place.
Apart from You my source of life,
Succulent fruits fall of strife.
The brittle branch can not reach out,
remaining leaves of troubled doubt.
Infuse my spirit's fruit
with your spices, My Vine.
Bow my limbs to You in desire,
Within the earth, Your love divine.
Let no child find your sweet
offerings amiss,
but gathering as they pass,
The fruit of life in their laps.
Once gone to where the soul breathes,
what's left are only seeds.
Gather them and tend them,
unlike shadows who disappear from view,
Let them cling with desperate cries,
looking deeply in Your eyes, only unto You.