Why do we think chipmunks are acceptable but rats are disgusting? I was just sitting outside on my porch and this chipmunk was meandering just a few feet from me. All I could think was, "How adorable! He is so cute!" It reminded me of a time my husband and I were up in the Sierra Mountains sitting by a lake having lunch. These chipmunks were surrounding us and playing in our lunch boxes and we thought it was the cutest thing. But just a few feet from us was a sign that read, "Do not get near the chipmunks...they carry disease." We disregarded the warning because the event was bringing us so much pleasure. We knew we were doing something wrong yet we continued because it was what we wanted . Deep down I knew the chipmunks were just cute rats but I chose to play with them anyway!
How often do we choose our own will over God's? We basically tell God that we know better than Him what is best for us! God wants to protect us but we turn our backs to Him and choose what we want instead. We squeeze God into our agenda because that gives us more freedom to do what pleases us. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we are no different than possums who think if they can't see something then it isn't there! It's much more civilized to avoid God than to tell Him outwardly to leave us alone.
The Lord gave me this vision one time and He showed me that He desires to be in front of me, facing me, looking into my eyes as He encourages me on to be in His will. I had choices though, of whether I would allow His Holy Spirit to fill me and move me in the direction Christ was leading or to look away and go my own way. Many times I knew where He wanted me to go but I chose to play with the ratmunks instead and there were consequences that resulted. Christ, my loving Savior, tried to coax me with His love to go "the better way", but I would not release my grasp on the way I wanted to go. I thought I knew better than Him and thus my sin led me onto roads that caused me pain and undo-hardship.
How many times do we cry out to God about our circumstances and demand an answer to our "whys"? If we would just sit quietly and trace our steps backward, asking Him for wisdom, He would show us exactly where we made the wrong turn that led us to our pain. But many times we don't take the time to ask Him for that insight, so He uses our painful circumstance to teach us what He wanted to show us in the first place. I'm not saying that all loss and pain are a result of our disobedience but much of it is. There are times where in God's sovereignty that He allows desperate circumstances to happen so that He can be glorified in it. He is God and He can do that. That's when we must humble ourselves to His will knowing that He has a bigger plan. We must adopt the scriptures that call us to share in His sufferings and keep our eyes focused on eternal things.
Yesterday was a monumental day for me. God spoke directly to me through my Pastor. When I told him what God had said through him, he told me that he didn't know why God was telling him to say it, but he claimed obedience and spoke it out in faith. He spoke a prophesy and said, "I don't know who this is for but God is telling me to tell you, "Let go! Release your grip and let go!". It was God right there before me, looking into my eyes and encouraging me to follow Him into freedom!
For many years I have used my pain to define me. My physical pain from Fibro Myalgia and Multiple Sclerosis, and the emotional pain from nasty events that have happened in my life. Also, the pain that was self-inflicted by all my choices to play with the ratmunks. It wasn't the infirmities or the events that held me in bondage as much as it was the emotions that were attached to them. Those emotions of anger, regret, resentment, bitterness, envy...were firmly in my grip and I was not letting go! Basically what I chose to do was glorify my pain over God. Not only in my own heart but that is what I proclaimed to the world too! My choice to play with the ratmunks in my mind took precedence over playing with God. Christ wanted to see me free and He wanted to be the object of my heart and attention but I chose to focus on my pain and all its dangerous associates.
The dangerous emotions that are attached to our pain are the ratmunks of the spiritual world. They may seem quite harmless as we coddle them and use them in our quest for martyrdom and self-definition, but their little voices tell us lies! They are like a cheering squad telling us we deserve to feel all those ugly feelings because we're victims! They tell us to demand from others the attention and audience we need to display our crosses. They scream, "Who would you be if not for us! We "are" you! The loudest ratmunk voice though, is the one that tells you that if you surrender your current identity to Christ, then He will call you to be joyful and then no one will know how much you hurt!
Our pain is to be shared, not only to receive comfort but to comfort others. What our pain is not meant to be is displayed. We are called to give Christ the highest glory by displaying Him above all other things! Our pain should never trump our God. Our pain should be held in a position of surrender to the Almighty for Him to use to His glory! Pain is a gift whether we like it or not. It makes us run to our Savior's feet for help and comfort. It makes us empathetic and kind. It softens our opinions and demeanor. It brings us to deeper understanding and knowledge. It strengthens us and produces perseverance and endurance and patience. It produces the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. It puts grace and mercy in our eyes. It draws people together. It brings about repentance and salvation! Pain is a blessing but the ratmunks that try to attach themselves to it are not! We must LET GO of our affection for them and the negative attention we seek through them!
My experience at church Sunday was profound and personal. God challenged me to tell my unhealthy companions to get lost. He asked me to trust Him that He has something better for me. He assured me that His love would be better than my cries for love. He asked me to let go and let Him prove His love to me! As I sat there He also showed me all the doors in the periphery of my life that I bang on, seeking and demanding love at. One was my spouse, another a friend, some were family and some were strangers, but all of them were unable to give me what I truly needed! God spoke and told me that ALL I need is at His door. None other could satisfy or fill me. He asked me to stop going to those other doors and to just seek Him. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light.
He asked one more thing of me though, and it was a tough one. He asked me to begin being joyful instead of discouraged. Sounds ridiculous that that would be a hard request but discouragement was my long-time companion and I wasn't sure who I would be without it. But, I jumped out in faith and watched a scenario play out in my mind of me opening my hand and letting go of all my ratmunks. I then went down the corridors and closed all the doors where I sought love. Then, I looked up and met the eyes of the Lover of my Soul, Jesus, and said, "Show me who you want me to be."
Upon completion of this blog-post I asked the Lord, "Where exactly did I go astray? "What made me not choose you Lord? What enticed me to follow the ratmunks? His reply, "When you took your eyes off mine." I chose for years to worship and live my life at the alter of self-pity! Only God knows how much of life I missed out on, how many people I shared my grief with rather than the gospel and how much glory I denied The Worthy One! How much joy, health, abundance, laughter, and blessings were passed by because I was looking in all the wrong places for what was right in front of me! Yes, right in front of me, Jesus! With His arms reached out to me, telling me about His endless love toward me and encouraging me to draw closer to Him so I could receive ALL He has for me! Let's start encouring ourselves to stop knocking on those doors of false love and to just simply look into the eyes of our Lover, Jesus. Children of God, let go and stop playing with ratmunks.
"Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." Romans 5:20
How often do we choose our own will over God's? We basically tell God that we know better than Him what is best for us! God wants to protect us but we turn our backs to Him and choose what we want instead. We squeeze God into our agenda because that gives us more freedom to do what pleases us. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we are no different than possums who think if they can't see something then it isn't there! It's much more civilized to avoid God than to tell Him outwardly to leave us alone.
The Lord gave me this vision one time and He showed me that He desires to be in front of me, facing me, looking into my eyes as He encourages me on to be in His will. I had choices though, of whether I would allow His Holy Spirit to fill me and move me in the direction Christ was leading or to look away and go my own way. Many times I knew where He wanted me to go but I chose to play with the ratmunks instead and there were consequences that resulted. Christ, my loving Savior, tried to coax me with His love to go "the better way", but I would not release my grasp on the way I wanted to go. I thought I knew better than Him and thus my sin led me onto roads that caused me pain and undo-hardship.
How many times do we cry out to God about our circumstances and demand an answer to our "whys"? If we would just sit quietly and trace our steps backward, asking Him for wisdom, He would show us exactly where we made the wrong turn that led us to our pain. But many times we don't take the time to ask Him for that insight, so He uses our painful circumstance to teach us what He wanted to show us in the first place. I'm not saying that all loss and pain are a result of our disobedience but much of it is. There are times where in God's sovereignty that He allows desperate circumstances to happen so that He can be glorified in it. He is God and He can do that. That's when we must humble ourselves to His will knowing that He has a bigger plan. We must adopt the scriptures that call us to share in His sufferings and keep our eyes focused on eternal things.
Yesterday was a monumental day for me. God spoke directly to me through my Pastor. When I told him what God had said through him, he told me that he didn't know why God was telling him to say it, but he claimed obedience and spoke it out in faith. He spoke a prophesy and said, "I don't know who this is for but God is telling me to tell you, "Let go! Release your grip and let go!". It was God right there before me, looking into my eyes and encouraging me to follow Him into freedom!
For many years I have used my pain to define me. My physical pain from Fibro Myalgia and Multiple Sclerosis, and the emotional pain from nasty events that have happened in my life. Also, the pain that was self-inflicted by all my choices to play with the ratmunks. It wasn't the infirmities or the events that held me in bondage as much as it was the emotions that were attached to them. Those emotions of anger, regret, resentment, bitterness, envy...were firmly in my grip and I was not letting go! Basically what I chose to do was glorify my pain over God. Not only in my own heart but that is what I proclaimed to the world too! My choice to play with the ratmunks in my mind took precedence over playing with God. Christ wanted to see me free and He wanted to be the object of my heart and attention but I chose to focus on my pain and all its dangerous associates.
The dangerous emotions that are attached to our pain are the ratmunks of the spiritual world. They may seem quite harmless as we coddle them and use them in our quest for martyrdom and self-definition, but their little voices tell us lies! They are like a cheering squad telling us we deserve to feel all those ugly feelings because we're victims! They tell us to demand from others the attention and audience we need to display our crosses. They scream, "Who would you be if not for us! We "are" you! The loudest ratmunk voice though, is the one that tells you that if you surrender your current identity to Christ, then He will call you to be joyful and then no one will know how much you hurt!
Our pain is to be shared, not only to receive comfort but to comfort others. What our pain is not meant to be is displayed. We are called to give Christ the highest glory by displaying Him above all other things! Our pain should never trump our God. Our pain should be held in a position of surrender to the Almighty for Him to use to His glory! Pain is a gift whether we like it or not. It makes us run to our Savior's feet for help and comfort. It makes us empathetic and kind. It softens our opinions and demeanor. It brings us to deeper understanding and knowledge. It strengthens us and produces perseverance and endurance and patience. It produces the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. It puts grace and mercy in our eyes. It draws people together. It brings about repentance and salvation! Pain is a blessing but the ratmunks that try to attach themselves to it are not! We must LET GO of our affection for them and the negative attention we seek through them!
My experience at church Sunday was profound and personal. God challenged me to tell my unhealthy companions to get lost. He asked me to trust Him that He has something better for me. He assured me that His love would be better than my cries for love. He asked me to let go and let Him prove His love to me! As I sat there He also showed me all the doors in the periphery of my life that I bang on, seeking and demanding love at. One was my spouse, another a friend, some were family and some were strangers, but all of them were unable to give me what I truly needed! God spoke and told me that ALL I need is at His door. None other could satisfy or fill me. He asked me to stop going to those other doors and to just seek Him. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light.
He asked one more thing of me though, and it was a tough one. He asked me to begin being joyful instead of discouraged. Sounds ridiculous that that would be a hard request but discouragement was my long-time companion and I wasn't sure who I would be without it. But, I jumped out in faith and watched a scenario play out in my mind of me opening my hand and letting go of all my ratmunks. I then went down the corridors and closed all the doors where I sought love. Then, I looked up and met the eyes of the Lover of my Soul, Jesus, and said, "Show me who you want me to be."
Upon completion of this blog-post I asked the Lord, "Where exactly did I go astray? "What made me not choose you Lord? What enticed me to follow the ratmunks? His reply, "When you took your eyes off mine." I chose for years to worship and live my life at the alter of self-pity! Only God knows how much of life I missed out on, how many people I shared my grief with rather than the gospel and how much glory I denied The Worthy One! How much joy, health, abundance, laughter, and blessings were passed by because I was looking in all the wrong places for what was right in front of me! Yes, right in front of me, Jesus! With His arms reached out to me, telling me about His endless love toward me and encouraging me to draw closer to Him so I could receive ALL He has for me! Let's start encouring ourselves to stop knocking on those doors of false love and to just simply look into the eyes of our Lover, Jesus. Children of God, let go and stop playing with ratmunks.
"Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." Romans 5:20