Today a man came over to our house to re-set where our spa was located. He had to empty out the old water and fill it with fresh water. It made me think of the scripture in 2nd Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, and the new has come." Do we desire to be emptied though? We complain about our lives, yet we cling to old attitudes, wallow in self-pity and refuse to forgive others and even ourselves. My belief is we become so familiar and comfortable with those old habits because they are a strange paradigm that we believe protects us from the fears that accompany change. We subconsciously would rather remain stagnant and unchallenged as opposed to taking a leap into the realm of change, especially on emotional and behavioral levels. We employ busyness to distract us from the hunger of our soul.
There are two things that especially keep us from healthy changes. One is that we don't fully believe God's promises enough to relinquish our grip on the control panel of our life. The other is that we do not fully comprehend how deep, wide and high God's love is for us. Simply put...we don't trust Him. My prayer is that we begin today to step out in faith, giving our lives to God with full confidence in His fathomless love. Let's surrender control to Him and trust that He knows better than we do what is best for us. Ask yourself, "Am I really happy being filled with the old or am I ready to trust God to empty me and fill me with the new?" There are so many layers to this surrender process but the important thing is to start somewhere. Take just one area of your life where you know that fear reigns and let it go. Then, ask God to replace it with His peace. He will.
Doing something is better than doing nothing.
There are two things that especially keep us from healthy changes. One is that we don't fully believe God's promises enough to relinquish our grip on the control panel of our life. The other is that we do not fully comprehend how deep, wide and high God's love is for us. Simply put...we don't trust Him. My prayer is that we begin today to step out in faith, giving our lives to God with full confidence in His fathomless love. Let's surrender control to Him and trust that He knows better than we do what is best for us. Ask yourself, "Am I really happy being filled with the old or am I ready to trust God to empty me and fill me with the new?" There are so many layers to this surrender process but the important thing is to start somewhere. Take just one area of your life where you know that fear reigns and let it go. Then, ask God to replace it with His peace. He will.
Doing something is better than doing nothing.