Your thoughts and the life you live are the steppingstones to who you become and who you will have to answer for, when you stand before God one day. I heard a sermon one Sunday that started a fire of truth deep in my heart. We do become what we tell ourselves is true, and the power of our inner dialog can build us up or tear us down. The truth is, no matter what station in life we were placed, no matter what someone else says or does, no matter what happens along our journey, nothing should change the truth that God created each of us with complete uniqueness and a special purpose! With Him we can become all He has intended for us, without Him we cannot. God must be intimately involved in every aspect of our lives in order for the great things He has purposed for us to come to fruition! There is nothing we can do, or anywhere we can go that His love and grand design isn't with us! There is only one way to avoid or destroy it and that is to turn our backs on it!
Say nice things to yourself, be kind to yourself and respect yourself. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who is personal, powerful, kind, generous, sacrificial, gentle, just and full of mercy, grace and love! He sent His Son so that He could have an eternal relationship with you and He wants to be a part of all you go through! Respect the gift God gave you, YOUR LIFE, do lovely things for yourself so you can be fresh, healthy and full of energy for the tasks and services you choose to do and that God calls you to do. Stop wasting energy on negative emotions and actions...It just sucks the life out of you and leaves you ineffective. Toss any spirit of self-martyrdom to the side and reach out for help when you need it. Be co-dependent only on God! Pray for God to send blessings into your life so you can be healthy and able to go and be a blessing to others. It's okay to rest, take a nap, close your eyes and rest upon the King's lap. He is the Savior...... not you. All your worry, guilt, shame, fear and over compensating will not give you any special powers to claim the title of "savior"! Only Jesus can give you the wisdom needed to be balanced emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, no matter what your circumstance. Your busyness is only a distraction that is keeping you distant from all the blessings from God! He wants to give you peace in your troubles, joy in your day, strength in your challenges! Examine your heart....and choose wisely, for one leads to peace and the other to turmoil.
What lies, the prince of lies, satan, spreads to God's believers. That we must wear ourselves out by becoming martyrs to false idols such as, chronic distracting busyness, obsessions with being right all the time (control), co-dependency on selfish people and their demands, fear of being exposed for being "just plain human" in our weaknesses (not perfect),..... We carry blame and anger rather than love and forgiveness, feel alone when God says we are not, spew excessive complaining, exaggerate our duties to get some attention, praise or love, use worry to show we care about others rather than peace to show we trust God. The prince of lies has us convinced that if we were to "stop" all of that, then maybe, just maybe.....God wouldn't be there and we would be all alone. LIES! ALL LIES! Stop letting fear control you and let the Holy Spirit of love and power control you! Only you can make that choice.
Matthew 11:28-30, Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Don't wait till you are so exhausted and full of guilt, shame, fear and
worry to acquire wisdom and enjoy rest.
You may find that you have worn yourself out to the point of breaking
and that wouldn't be good.
Speak kindly to yourself and others, trust and rest in the Everlasting Arms.
God loves you dear one, and His love, mixed with your trust, is a healing balm for your mind, body and soul.
Psalm 62:1, My soul finds rest in God alone.